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Yuanxiang New Materials successfully landed on the Growth Enterprise Market



Fujian Yuanxiang New Materials Co., Ltd. (stock abbreviation: Yuanxiang New Materials, stock code: 301300) IPO and listing ceremony was successfully held on the morning of August 19, 2022. Li Hui, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Gong Zhiyang, Deputy Mayor of Nanping Municipal People's Government, Chen Xianqing, Secretary of Shaowu Municipal Committee, Guo Fianhong, Mayor of Shaowu Municipal People's Government, Wei Xianfeng, Chairman and General Manager of Kyushu Securities Co., Ltd., Fujian Chen Ying, chairman of Huaxing Venture Capital Co., Ltd., and Wang Chenghui, chairman of Fujian Yuanxiang New Materials Co., Ltd., attended the listing ceremony.


Photo: The scene of the bell ringing

    Li Huiyun, member of the party committee and deputy general manager of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, said in his speech that the launch of Yuanxiang New Materials on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange today has enriched and strengthened the enterprise group of three innovations and four new enterprises on the ChiNext, and has become another example of capital market services supporting the real economy. At present, Shenzhen Stock Exchange is conscientiously implementing the State Council's package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy, increase direct financing support, improve financing efficiency, support enterprise development, and serve the real economy. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange will further optimize market services, give full play to market functions, stimulate market vitality, and make positive contributions to stabilizing the overall economic market, and efficiently coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Listing is a new starting point for enterprises. We sincerely hope that Yuanxiang New Materials will take the opportunity of the listing of enterprises, operate with integrity, standardize operations, use the capital market to become better and stronger, and repay the country, society and investment with excellent performance. By. I wish Yuanxiang New Materials a good opening and a long-lasting foundation.


Picture: Li Hui, Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, delivering a speech

    At the same time, in order to commemorate the successful listing of Yuanxiang New Materials, Shenzhen Stock Exchange also specially prepared a listing souvenir for Yuanxiang New Materials - "Entrepreneurship Bull", wishing Yuanxiang New Materials to prosper and climb the peak. Fujian Yuanxiang New Materials Co., Ltd. Chairman Wang Chenghui and General Manager Wang Chengri jointly unveiled the "Entrepreneurial Bull".


Picture: Shenzhen Stock Exchange presents "Entrepreneurial Bull"

 Chen Xianqing, Secretary of Shaowu Municipal Party Committee, then delivered a speech, Yuanxiang New Materials, as a leading enterprise of new silicon materials born and raised in Shaowu, has always adhered to innovation-driven development. The institute has established a cooperative relationship and has 32 invention patents and 17 utility model patents. It has won major honors such as the first batch of enterprises specializing in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the national single champion of manufacturing. It has gradually grown into a high-temperature vulcanization. It is a leading enterprise in the field of silicon dioxide for silicone rubber, and its production and sales ranks first in the industry.

"A good horse is a good horse, and a long journey is a success". The successful listing of Yuanxiang New Materials has achieved a major leap from product management to capital operation, achieved a breakthrough in the listing of local enterprises in Shaowu, and will drive more Shaowu enterprises to improve. Energy levels and levels, chasing the capital market, and entering the fast lane of listing. It is hoped that Yuanxiang, with the support of capital and the help of the market, will take advantage of the listing situation, develop the company's glory, climb the peak of development, and return shareholders and society with excellent performance. At the same time, we also hope that the vast number of enterprises in the city will seize the policy opportunities, actively embrace the capital market, take advantage of this opportunity to take off, become bigger and stronger, and form a new situation in which enterprises are listed and competing for the top spot. We will, as always, care and support the development of the enterprise, make every effort to create a first-class business environment, and strive to make the sesame seeds of Shaowu enterprises grow steadily.


Picture: Chen Xianqing, Secretary of the Shaowu Municipal Party Committee, delivering a speech

 Wei Xianfeng, chairman and general manager of Kyushu Securities Co., Ltd., said in his speech that the listing is a milestone moment and the starting point of the next glorious journey. Sincerely hope that Yuanxiang New Materials will continue to develop and innovate, continue to create value, and return the majority of investors with excellent performance! As the sponsor and lead underwriter of Yuanxiang New Materials, we have witnessed the rapid development of the company with our own eyes, and have personally felt the efficient and pragmatic execution, profound and solid professional capabilities and excellent and unique strategic vision of the company's management. We are honored to serve such an excellent enterprise as Yuanxiang New Materials! We are full of confidence in the future development of Yuanxiang New Materials, and at the same time feel the responsibility. Kyushu Securities will continue to work closely with Yuanxiang New Materials as always, earnestly fulfill the responsibilities of the sponsor, do a good job of continuous supervision, promote the healthy and sustainable development of Yuanxiang New Materials in the capital market, and help Yuanxiang New Materials continue to write New chapter!


Picture: Wei Xianfeng, Chairman of Kyushu Securities, delivering a speech

    Wang Chenghui, chairman of Fujian Yuanxiang New Materials Co., Ltd., made a final speech. Today, Yuanxiang New Materials successfully landed in the domestic capital market, which is an important milestone in the company's development process, as well as a new starting point and new driving force. We will firmly grasp this precious opportunity, use the power of the capital market to stay true to our original aspiration, strive for progress, and unremittingly improve the iterative update and R&D upgrade capabilities of products, further increase the company's comprehensive strength, and strive to achieve the goal of achieving the goal of improving the relationship between customers, employees, society and the society. A win-win for shareholders!

    The development of the company is inseparable from the care and support of governments at all levels, all sectors of society, the majority of investors, and many customers and suppliers. Here, I sincerely hope that everyone will continue to support the development of Yuanxiang New Materials. Yuanxiang New Materials will take the opportunity of initial public offering and listing on the Growth Enterprise Market. On the basis of the existing product system and technical reserves, the company will It will continue to increase the development of new products, continue to carry out technological upgrades, improve the marketing and after-sales service network, enhance the company's overall core competitiveness, increase the company's product market share, and bring satisfactory returns to the majority of investors.


Picture: Wang Chenghui, Chairman of Yuanxiang New Materials, delivering a speech


Photo: Ringing the bell and witnessing the VIP group photo
